NGO CSR Consultancy

NGO CSR Consultancy


CSR Consultancy

Corporate Social Responsibility grants funding and financial aid to Non-Governmental Organisations that are in need of raising Corporate Social Fundings in accordance with the Companies Act, 2013. Cor..

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Step 1

DIN & DSC for Directors and Name Approval

Step 2

Filing Application for Registration with the Ministry

Step 3

Obtain Certificate of Incorporation for your Company

Overview of Public Limited Company Registration

Public limited companies enjoy all the rights of a corporate entity with limited liabilities and it is an ideal choice for the small and medium scale enterprises who wish to raise the equity capital from the general public.

Basic Clarification on Incorporation of Public Limited Company

Just like other companies, Public Limited Company is also registered as per the rules and regulations of the Companies Act, 2013. A public Company enjoys the benefits of limited liabilities for its members and has rights to sell its shares for raising the capital of the company. It can be incorporated with a minimum number of three directors and has more stringent rules and regulations as compared to a Pvt. Ltd. Company.

It must have a minimum number of seven members whereas there is no limit for the maximum number of members. It provides all the benefits of a private limited company along with more transparency and easy transferability of ownership and shareholding. Name, shares, formation, number of members, management and directors, etc differentiates any Public limited company from the private limited companies.


Benefits of Public Limited Company Registration

Here are the benefits provided to the company with Public Limited company registration

  • Limited liabilities for the shareholders of the company

    Shareholders of the public company enjoy the benefits of limited liabilities under which their assets are safe and cannot be used to clear the debts and losses of the company. Despite of it, the shareholders are responsible for their own legal offenses. All the members, directors and shareholders enjoy this right and their assets cannot be seized by any bank, creditors or government bodies.

  • Perpetual Succession

    A public limited company is considered as a corporate body that has perpetual succession. Means in case of death, retirement, insanity, and insolvency of one or more members/ shareholder/ directors, the company still continue its existence.

  • Improved capital of the company

    In a public limited company, the general public is invited to buy the shares of the company. Hence, anyone can invest in a public company that improves the capital of the proposed company.

  • Borrowing Capacity

    A public company can enjoy unlimited sources for borrowing funds. It can issue equity, debentures and can accept the deposits from the general public by selling its shares. Moreover, most of the financial institutions find public companies more prominent than other unregistered companies.

  • Fewer risks

    Since public companies can sell their shares to the public, it lesser the scope of unsystematic risks of the market.

    Better opportunities for growth and expansion of the company:

  • Fewer risks lead to better opportunities so that the company can grow and expand by investing in new projects from the funds raised by selling its shares in the market.


Documents Required for Public Limited Company Registration

An applicant has to collect all these documents to file along with the incorporation application:

  • Identity Proof such as Aadhar card, PAN card, Driving License, Voter Id of all the designated directors and shareholders. 
  • Address Proof of all the proposed directors and shareholder of the company.
  • PAN card details of all the directors and shareholders
  • Utility bill such as telephone, gas, water or electricity bill of the registered office as a residential proof of the business place. It should not be older than 2 months. 
  • An NOC or No Objection Certificate from the landlord of the business place. 
  • DSC or Digital Signature Certificate of the designated directors
  • Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Article of Association (AOA)

Features of Public Limited Company Registration

Here are some important features of Public Limited Company:

  • Number of Directors in the company

    As stated in the provisions of Companies Act, a public company must have a minimum number of 3 directors to incorporate a company whereas there is no restriction on the maximum number of directors.

  • Name of the Company

    All the Public limited companies must add “Limited” word at the end of their name. it is denoted as an identity of a public company.

  • Prospectus of the Company

    Prospectus of the company is mandatory for the public limited companies. It is issued by the proposed company for its general public. It is a note of comprehensive statements of works and affairs of the company. However private companies have no such compliances as they don’t have rights to invite the public for their shares.

  • Paid-up Capital

    As per the requirements of the act, no minimum capital required for the registration.

What is the difference between the Public limited Company and Private Limited Company?

There are various points of differences between both these companies. Here are some chief differences between both:

Registration Procedure

Public Limited Company Registration Procedure

  • Step 1: Apply for the Digital Signature Certificate

    First of all, you have to apply for the Digital Signature Certificate for all the proposed directors in the company. DSC is used to sign the e-forms and is an authentic and safe method to file all the documents on an electronic platform. It is a mandatory document.

    A director can easily obtain DSC from the nearest Certifying Authorities or CAs with self-attested coppices of their identity proof. It takes around 1 -3 working days to obtain a DSC.

  • Step 2: Name Verification

    The third step involves name registration of the company. You can check the name availability through the MCA portal by following this step

    Visit the MCA Portal> select the MCA services> Click Check Company Name

    Note: The company name should not be taken or registered and should not be similar to a brand name.

  • Step 3: Filing Form SPICe+

    Once the company’s name has been approved you can now file the SPICe+ form to avail the company incorporation certificate. Along with it, you have to file all the required documents such as MOA (Memorandum of Association) and AOA (Article of Association). These two documents contain the details of the mission, objectives, aims, visions, business activities, responsibilities of all the directors and shareholders and definition of the proposed company.

    All the documents and applications are further verified by the higher authorities and it takes around 7 to 9 working days.

  • Step 4: Obtaining Certificate of Incorporation

    Once all the applications and document to have been received to the authorities and they have verified it, the company would receive the Certificate of Incorporation which will include CIN and date of incorporation.

Requirements for the Public Company Registration

According to the provisions of Companies Act, 2013 here are the requirements you need to fulfill to incorporate a Public company in India:

  • The proposed company must have a minimum number of 7 shareholders
  • The proposed company must have a minimum number of 3 directors
  •  No minimum capital required
  • At least one director should have a Digital Signature Certificate
  • Memorandum of Association and Article of Association.
  • After approval from Registrar of the Companies, the proposed public company has to apply for the “Certificate of Business Commencement.”

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An Overview of NGO CSR Consultancy

The Registered Companies under the Indian Companies Act, 2013 have a Corporate Social Responsibility which is also known as CSR, through which they contribute to the society by providing arms and various types of foundations from the date of their establishment. A few well-known Registered Indian Companies that are popular for their contribution to their Corporate Social Responsibility are Tata Group, Aditya Birla Group, etc. Corporate Social Responsibility has been a norm that has been practised in India for a long time.

In accordance with the Companies Act, 2013, which states a “Comply or Explain” mandate that specifies that Registered Indian Companies which a Net Profit of more than five crores for a year have to contribute to their Corporate Social Responsibility.

This mandate provides new possibilities for funding for Non-Governmental Organisations. However, there are a lot of Non-Governmental Organisations that have not been able to seek the benefits of this law and do not have access to the Corporate Social Fundings due to multiple concerns such as lack of initiative, lack of knowledge of the understanding of Corporate Social Responsibility Concept, lack of networking, etc.

Registrations Needed for CSR Funding to NGOs

The Registered Indian Companies contribute their Corporate Social Responsibility Funding to Non-Governmental Organisations which have –

  • Certification of 80–G Registration that results in providing fifty per cent exemptions from taxes to be paid by the Corporate Social Responsibility Funding Donor Company
  • Certification of 12–A Registration that results in providing exemptions from taxes to be paid by the Non-Governmental Organisations
  • Non-Governmental Organisations Registration Certificate
  • Foreign Contribution Regulation Act Registration which is also known as FCRA Registration for Non-Governmental Organisations that seek Corporate Social Responsibility Funding from Foreign Companies
  • The applicable Non-Governmental Organisations that seek Corporate Social Responsibility Fundings have to make sure that all these documentation are in accordance with the applicable acts and needs to be submitted for Renewal each applicable year.

Brief on the 80–G Registration

The Income Tax Act has regulations that offer exemptions from taxes to Corporate Social Responsibility Funding Donor Companies. A Non-Governmental Organisation can apply for the issuance of Certification of 80–G Registration, which results in providing fifty per cent exemptions from taxes to be paid by the Corporate Social Responsibility Funding Donor Company. Prior to the Finance Act, 2020, Certification for 80–G Registration was only granted once unless there were any specifications mentioned for any restrictions that were mentioned in the certificate.

Brief on the 12–A Registration

The Certification of 12–A Registration is a registration that is granted only once issued by the Income Tax Department to Non-Governmental Organisations or Trusts. Certification of 12–A Registration results in providing exemptions from taxes to be paid by the Non-Governmental Organisations or Trusts, which is applied for immediately from the date of Incorporation in general.

Brief on NGO Registration

The Non-Governmental Organisations Registration Certificate is regulated in accordance with three acts, namely –

  • The Indian Trust Act, 1882
  • The Indian Societies Act, 1860
  • The Companies Act, 2013

The Non-Governmental Organisations Registration Certificate is provided to Non-Governmental Organisations or any other applicable Charities that are involved in having a positive influence on the society, whether for a social cause or environmental cause.

Brief on FCRA Registration

For the purpose of receiving Corporate Social Responsibility Funding from Foreign Companies, it is mandatory to obtain a Foreign Contribution Regulation Act Registration which is also known as FCRA Registration Certification, for the applicable Non-Governmental Organisations in India. The Registration of FCRA Certification is regulated under Section 6 (1) of the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 2010.

Essential Points for NGO CSR Consultancy

The following pointers that are mentioned below need to be followed for having a clear organisation for the smooth functioning of seeking Corporate Social Responsibility Funding for Non-Governmental Organisations that Companies contribute for the purpose of their applicable Corporate Social Responsibility –

  • Laying out a Structural understanding of the potential Corporate Social Responsibility Funding Donor Companies. The NGO that seeks funding from such companies can start by constructing a profile of the company’s preferences and policies and setting up a meeting session with the potential company’s Corporate Social Responsibility Committee or their Human Resources Personnel.
  • Focusing on building the Non-Governmental Organisation’s Networking. The Non-Governmental Organisation can evaluate the listed profiles they have created of the potential Corporate Social Responsibility Funding Donor Companies.
  • The Non-Governmental Organisations need to build their connections, especially with the stakeholders of the company or other personnel with higher authority, to boost their chances of the potential company contributing to their Organisation. A few options for building their network can be hosting events, conducting offline and online campaigns, etc.
  • All necessary documents should be updated. Along with the legal documents, the potential Corporate Social Responsibility Funding Donor Companies also expect the Non-Governmental Organisations to have the following documents to be updated with correct information that plays an essential role in motivating them to contribute their Corporate Social Responsibility as these documents showcase the credibility of the Organisation –
  • Evaluation Reports
  • Impact Data
  • Third-Party Evaluations
  • Any other necessary document that strengthens the Non-Governmental Organisation’s chances of receiving the contribution

How can NGOs Generate CSR Funding?

The following pointers mentioned below are essential to be followed for Non-Governmental Organisations to increase their chances of CSR Contributions –

  • Having a structural flowchart of the list of resources needed by the NGO. The NGO does not necessarily require funding but other resources such as volunteers. Companies also seek to provide support to Non-Governmental Organisations by providing financial aid through funding along with providing volunteers for their necessary projects.
  • Always Seeking Feedback from the Current Corporate Social Responsibility Funding Donor Companies. The Non-Governmental Organisations need to maintain an interactive bond with their current donors. On taking feedback from the current donors and implying them to the NGO’s project strategies make the Company feel valued and help build a stronger bond and increase integrity and trust, resulting in the Company donating to the organisation frequently.
  • Meeting the Set Expectations. On meetings conducted between the Non-Governmental Organisations and the potential company’s Corporate Social Responsibility Committee or their Human Resources Personnel, there are certain targets set on how the contributed financial aid is to be utilised. The Non-Governmental Organisation is expected to meet those targets within an appropriate set duration. It is also essential as this showcases the NGO’s impact on the appropriate community and builds trust between both parties resulting in the Company donating to the organisation frequently.

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